Results 30 of 87
BECKMAN Retractors Hinged arms. 3 x 4 prongs Sharp. Overall length 8-1/2in (21.6cm).
THEIS Vein Retractor 4 x 5 sharp prongs. Self retaining, sharp. Total opening 3-3/8in (8.6cm).
Williams Micro Lubar Discectomy Retractor 4 x 5 sharp prongs. Blade 50mm x 10mm wide. Right
WEITLANER Retractors 3 x 4 prongs. harp prongs. Overall length 5-1/2in (14cm).
WEITLANER Retractors 3 x 4 prongs. Blunt prongs. Overall length 5-1/2in (14cm).
Multipurpose Retractor A versatile self-retaining Henly-type Retractor designed for use in the following surgical specialties: • Peripheral vascular surgery in the carotid, subclavian, femoral, popliteal and tibial regions • Spinal surgery in the cervical and lumbar regions • Orthopedic surgery in shoulder and hip procedures • General surgery for inguinal hernia, appendectomy and many minor [...]
WEITLANER Retractors 3 x 4 prongs. Blunt prongs. Overall length 6-1/2in (16.5 cm).
WEITLANER Retractors 3 x 4 prongs. Blunt prongs. Overall length 6-1/2in (16.5cm).
Results 30 of 87